- FIESTA::WYcondFIA data. Condition-level data from FIA public database.
- FIESTA::WYp2veg_subp_structureFIA data. P2 vegetation structure data from FIA public database.
- FIESTA::WYp2veg_subplot_sppFIA data. P2 vegetation species data from FIA public database.
- FIESTA::WYpltFIA data. Plot-level data from FIA public database.
- FIESTA::WYpltassgnFIA data. Plot assignment data from FIA public database.
- FIESTA::WYseedFIA data. Seedling data from FIA public database.
- FIESTA::WYstratalutFIA data. Post-stratification data from FIA public database.
- FIESTA::WYsubp_condFIA data. Subplot condition data from FIA public database.
- FIESTA::WYsubplotFIA data. Subplot data from FIA public database.
- FIESTA::WYtreeFIA data. Tree-level data from FIA public database.
- FIESTA::WYunitareaFIA data. Acres data from FIA public database.
- FIESTA::WYunitzonalZonal data. Zonal means for auxiliary data in counties in Wyoming.
- FIESTAutils::GDT_NAMESReference tables - gdal data types.
- FIESTAutils::kindcd3oldReference table - List of RMRS plots that have fallen out of inventory because they were not found or they were in the wrong place.
- FIESTAutils::ref_codesReference tables - Code definitions.
- FIESTAutils::ref_condReference table - Metadata for cond default variables output from DBgetPlots()
- FIESTAutils::ref_conversionReference table - for conversion factors.
- FIESTAutils::ref_diacl2inReference table - diameter 2-inch class codes (DIA).
- FIESTAutils::ref_domainReference table - for generating tables.
- FIESTAutils::ref_estimatorsReference table - FIESTA estimators.
- FIESTAutils::ref_estvarReference table - for generating estimates
- FIESTAutils::ref_evaltypReference table - for generating tables.
- FIESTAutils::ref_pltReference table - Metadata for plt default variables output from DBgetPlots()
- FIESTAutils::ref_popTypeReference table - popType codes.
- FIESTAutils::ref_shpReference table - Metadata for shp_* default variables output from DBgetPlots()
- FIESTAutils::ref_speciesReference table - Code definitions.
- FIESTAutils::ref_statecdReference table - state codes (STATECD).
- FIESTAutils::ref_titlesReference table - Variable titles.
- FIESTAutils::ref_treeReference table - Metadata for tree default variables output from DBgetPlots()
- FIESTAutils::ref_unitsReference table - for variable units.
- FIESTAutils::stunitcoSpatialPolygonsDataFrame with FIA state, unit, county codes and names
- trimetStops::trimetStopsPortland Metro Area Trimet Stops